Page 10 - 4th edition Nayi Udaan
P. 10
Innovation (Student)
VEDD- AI Enabled Tech-Solution
for COVID safe
Healthcare Management
O nline classes have meant Education has fore front of our fight against COVID
during the last 2 years. Nurses are key play-
continued for many of us. Our Schools and
teachers have toiled tirelessly to keep our ers, responsible for maintaining accurate
classes going online. It has kept us curious and complete patient records for medical
and engaged with information in our text- management. This increases their work-
books and in the world around us and load. After doing some research online and
kindled the quest for learning new things in talking to some nurses, it was revealed that
innovative ways. record-keeping
Last year my consumes up to
teachers encour- 50% of nurses’
aged students to time per shift, in
participate in the effect this takes
Inspire award- away from better
MANAK (Million patient care.
Minds Augment- VEDD therefore
ing National was an innovative
Aspirations and solution that
Knowledge), promised great
being executed by convenience to
Department of the nurses by
Science & taking away the
Technology tedious repetitive
(DST), GOI along with National Innovation part of daily work.
Foundation – India (NIF), an autonomous body We often observe things around us, and as
of DST. The annual competition aims to students of science we wonder how we can
motivate innovations rooted in science and make an existing practice more efficient and
societal applications to foster a culture of cost-effective.
creativity and innovative thinking among Last year a family member was hospitalised
school children. for a medical procedure, and no visitors
A simple idea had to be shared in the initial were permitted due to COVID protocols. I
phase, and my idea was shortlisted among observed over a video call that the nurses in
170 children who were awarded a cash prize hospitals carry a small pocket diary to note
by the Government at the District Level in vitals of patients such as the temperature,
Delhi. My idea was a Tech-solution design blood pressure, oxygen levels etc. Nurses
that could assist our Doctors and Nurses in are required to note these 3-4 times a day
their everyday record-keeping work. It is and up to 8 times for critical patients. Then
called - VEDD- “Voice-Enabled Digital they enter this data in multiple sheets/reg-
Diary” isters and if the hospital is computerised a
data entry operator keys the numbers into
Healthcare professionals have been at the the system.