Page 20 - nai udaan december
P. 20
Need to know
Fiction Story Storytelling has
existed in all
Discovery that each culture
human cultures and
incorporates different
elements of truth
and fiction into
Shook the entire Storytelling.
" Milesian Tales"
were an early
example of Fiction
y grandfather was 79 years old when he was innovations and inventions.
innovations and inventions.
y grandfather was 79 years old when he was
admitted to the hospital as he was not keeping
admitted to the hospital as he was not keeping
well. He loves me a lot . One Saturday night, my
M well. He loves me a lot . One Saturday night, my There were robots and infrastructure available
There were robots and infrastructure available
father and I were really worried about him and in each house to convert it into a hospital room.
father and I were really worried about him and
in each house to convert it into a hospital room.
prayed to God for his recovery and well-being. However, all of it was in vain in front of this new
prayed to God for his recovery and well-being.
However, all of it was in vain in front of this new
That night, I went into a deep sleep and saw a a
That night, I went into a deep sleep and saw disease impacting globally.
disease impacting globally.
dream. Governments all over the world joined hands
Governments all over the world joined hands
together to curb this disease. However, it was
together to curb this disease. However, it was
It was 28th Dec 2050. There was a new disease still spreding.
still spreding.
It was 28th Dec 2050. There was a new disease
called “SynthWavoXenoViral Disorder” that
called “SynthWavoXenoViral Disorder” that
was spreading faster than any other disease ever. I saw that my grandfather had also become
was spreading faster than any other disease ever.
I saw that my grandfather had also become
The disease was causing humans to loose their affected by it. We had tolock him in a room.
affected by it. We had tolock him in a room.
The disease was causing humans to loose their
mind and become Inhuman. Doctors were in the
mind and become Inhuman. Doctors were in the
process of studying the cause of the disease and The doctors across the world were working
The doctors across the world were working
process of studying the cause of the disease and
working on the medication. together to develop a vaccine for cur this brain
working on the medication.
together to develop a vaccine for cur this brain
infection. After doctors from across the world
infection. After doctors from across the world
It was found out that mobile networks operat- failed multiple times, doctors from India
It was found out that mobile networks operat-
failed multiple times, doctors from India
ing at 12G wavelength were causing a major discovered based on Ayurveda. It was made
discovered based on Ayurveda. It was made
ing at 12G wavelength were causing a major
impact on the human brain. These waves dam- from a soft mixture of Tulsi, Neem and Peepal
from a soft mixture of Tulsi, Neem and Peepal
impact on the human brain. These waves dam-
aged the essential neurons and turned humans plants. These plants are almost becoming
plants. These plants are almost becoming
aged the essential neurons and turned humans
into Inhuman. extinct and there were only a few left around the
extinct and there were only a few left around the
into Inhuman.
banks of river Ganges.
banks of river Ganges.
The world was at the peak of technological
The world was at the peak of technological
18 xÉ<Ç =cÉxÉ fnlacj -2023