Page 24 - nai udaan december
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Need to know

                                                                                              Celebrating      the
                                                                                              remarkable  journey  of
                                                                                              Bidhan Chandra Roy, a
                                                                                              visionary leader whose
                                                                                              legacy  continues  to
                                                                                              inspire generations.
                                                                                              His  contributions  to
                                                                                              healthcare and
                                                                                              governance  are  etched
                                                                                              in  history,  leaving  a
                                                                                              lasting  impact  on  our
                                                  Journey of a Scientist

          Early Years and medical education                      fervent  desire  to  contribute  meaningfully  to  society
                                                                 through the field of medicine.
          Dr. Bidhan Chandra Roy's journey into medicine
          commenced  with  a  remarkable  display  of  academic       This phase in Dr. Roy's life was pivotal, shaping his
          prowess and dedication from an early age. Born on July   outlook and nurturing the seeds of a visionary leader
          1,  1882,  in  Patna,  Bengal  Presidency,  his  passion  for   committed to advancing the cause of good health and
          learning led him to Calcutta Medical College,          well-being for the nation. His success at Calcutta Medical
          a  prestigious  institution  where  he  embarked  on  his   College marked the inception of a remarkable journey
          medical education.                                     that would ultimately redefine healthcare in India.

               At Calcutta Medical College, Dr. Roy's diligence and   Leadership in Indian medical association
          thirst  for  knowledge  distinguished  him  among  his
          peers.  His  academic  excellence  became  evident  as  he        Dr. Bidhan Chandra Roy's leadership in the establish-
          delved into the intricate world of medicine.  His      ment of the Indian Medical Association (IMA) stands as
          unwavering commitment to his studies not only show-    a pivotal moment in his career and in the advancement
          cased his intelligence but also hinted at his future   of healthcare in India.
          contributions to the field of healthcare.
                                                                     In 1928, Dr. Roy played a crucial role in the formation
              Completing his medical education in 1909, Dr. Roy   of the Indian Medical Association, an organization that
          emerged not only as a qualified physician but also as a   aimed to unify medical professionals across the country.
          young individual poised to make a lasting impact in the   As the president of the IMA, he became a driving force
          realm of healthcare. His time at the medical college laid   behind  fostering  collaboration,  knowledge  exchange,
          a robust foundation for his future endeavors, instilling   and the advocacy of improved healthcare practices and
          in  him  the  values  of  compassion,  dedication,  and  a   policies.

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