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             SPERM UNDER GUIDANCE (RISUG)                         INCIDENCE OF TYPE 2 DIABETES

             RISUG is a nonhormonal injectable male               A new study conducted in Delhi and Chennai suggests
             contraception created to take the place of surgical   that breathing in polluted air may raise the risk of type
             vasectomy, the sole technique of male sterilization   2  diabetes.  High  blood  sugar  levels  were  linked  to
             currently in use worldwide. It functions by          breathing in air containing a lot of particulate matter,
             physically  obstructing  the  vas  deferens,  a  duct   particularly PM2.5. The new assessment is part of the
             that transfers sperm from the epididymis to the      Centre  for  cArdiometabolic  Risk  Reduction  in  South
             ejaculatory  ducts  during  ejaculation,  preventing   Asia (CARRS) Surveillance Study. The study is a compo-
             the creation of sperm. It provides a long-lasting,   nent of the chronic disease research that India has been
             reliable,  and  safe  method  of  family  planning.   conducting since 2010. Between 2010 and 2017, 12,000
             After injection, it starts to work two months later   men and women in Delhi and Chennai participated in
             and  lasts  for  up  to  ten  years.  It  has  no  negative   the study. Air pollution exposure models and satellite
             effects  on  reproductive  health,  local  inflamma-  data were used to assess their blood sugar levels on a
             tion at the injection site, or pyrexia. It has a lower   regular  basis.  Studies  investigating  the  relationship
             failure  rate  than  the  breaking  rate  of  male   between  diabetes  and  fine  particulate  matter  with  a
             condoms. Therefore, RISUG is a highly effective,     diameter of less than 2.5 micrograms (PM2.5) are rare
             low  failure-rate,  one-use  male  contraception.    in very polluted areas like India. The researchers
             RISUG is a perfect option for a mass contraceptive   discovered that blood sugar levels rose after one month
             delivery  program  because  it  requires  a  standard   of exposure to PM2.5, and blood sugar levels rose after a
             dosage  of  120  microliters,  which  eliminates  the   year or longer. They discovered that the risk of diabetes
             need for customization.                              rose by 22% for every 10 micrograms/m3 increase in
                                                                  the  two  cities'  yearly  average  PM2.5  level.  It  also
                                                                  suggested Indians are more prone to diabetes than the
             SYSTEM ON WHO'S LIST                                 Western  population  given  the  pathophysiology  of
                                                                  Indians, low BMI with a high proportion of fat.

             The Union government has pushed for the
             inclusion  of  Indian  system  of  medicine  in  the   REFERENCES
             11th revision of the International Classification    ceptive-99-effective-report-101699210844793.html
             of  Diseases  (ICD),  as  the  second  module  of  a   -
             supplementary  chapter  on  conditions  treated      -
             with traditional medicine. The traditional Indian    icine-to-be-promoted-abroad/67070/
             system  of  medicine  includes  Ayurveda,  Siddha,   -
             Unani and Yoga, Naturopathy, and Homoeopathy         ow/105074619.cms
             streams of medicine. This move is intended to put    -
             the Indian medical system on the global map and      elop-steam-based-sterilization-system-for-dental-tools-to-conduct-medical-camps-in-remote-rural-areas
             give it a common, standard language. ICD address-    sation-system-will-allow-dentists-to-treat-more-people-in-rural-remote-areas/article67426957.ece
             es  a  broad  spectrum  of  illnesses,  ailments,    -
             wounds,  and  variables  pertaining  to  health.  For   -
             healthcare  professionals  around  the  world,  the
             ICD acts as a common language that enables them      haze%2F&psig=AOv-
             to exchange standardized data. The inclusion of      48Sl8QhddDJP&      Neha Yadav
             the  Indian  system  of  medicine  would  enable  a   ust=1700322302    Lecturer Biology
             more  thorough  approach  to  reporting  adverse     images&cd=vfe&o    RSKV East Vinod
             events and integrating traditional medicine into     pi=89978449&ve        Nagar
             insurance and reimbursement systems.                 d=0CBQQjhxqFwo

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