Page 36 - nai udaan december
P. 36

Teacher’s Innovation                                                          Need to know

                                                                                                    Eco club incharges
                                                                                                    in schools play a
                                                                                                    crucial role in
                                                                                                    fostering environ-
                                                                                                    mental awareness
                                                                                                    among students.
                                                                                                    They often collaborate
                                                                                                    with students to
                                                                                                    implement Eco
                                                                                                    friendly initiatives
                                                                                                    contributing to a
                                                                                                    greener and more
                                                                                                    sustainable school

           From Seeds

           to Symphonies

           The Green Warriors’ Innovative Eco

           Journey for Good Health and Well Being

            I     n the heart of our educational realm, amidst the   aesthetics;   it’s   about  sowing  seeds  of

                  dynamic corridors where knowledge intertwines
                                                                    change  and  nurturing  them  into  a  flourishing
                  with  ambition,  an  unsung  hero  thrives—the
                  Green Warriors, our school’s Eco Club. Beyond     reality.
                  its  conventional  role,  it  emerges  as  a  dynamic         The Youth Club, our transformative platform,
                  force, a symphony of sustainability orchestrating   stands  as  a  beacon  where  knowledge  converges
                  the holistic well-being of students, teachers, and   with  attitudes,  molding  behaviors  that  shape
                  the wider community.                              healthy  lifestyles.  In  this  nurturing  environ-
                                                                    ment,  students  metamorphose  into  confident
                  As  the  steward  of  this  green  movement,  I,  the   and responsible citizens.
                  Green Warriors’ in-charge, embark on an innova-
                  tive journey. Imagine our school grounds trans-           The  unsung  heroes?  The  Green  Warriors,
                  formed  into  a  vibrant  tapestry  of  blossoms—a   scattered  seeds  in  the  fertile  soil  of  academia,
                  living testament to our commitment to environ-    fostering  environmental  awareness  among  the
                  mental  stewardship.  Yet,  it’s  not  just  about   future torchbearers of our planet.

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