Page 32 - Nai_Udaan_final
P. 32

Feature article

                               Stop the Pollution be
                                Stop the Pollution be

                                   part of the Solution
                                    part of the Solution

                                                   “Using Plastic is quite dr
                                                   “Using Plastic is quite drasticastic
                                                 Avoiding it makes you fantastic”voiding it makes you fantastic”

            C      hange is all that remains constant in the            Turning  Art  into  action
                   world. Our Earth too changes, grows and
                   recycles year after year continuously on its
                                                                        against plastic menace:
                   own with its well defined ecosystem where all        Art has been an important means
                   that grows, goes back and the cycle continues.       to reflect  the  spirit of the  times.
                                                                        Artists  have been  trying  to  relate
                       One of the most striking and drastic of          between  time and space  between
                   departure is human waste, and the issue of           the physical and psychical  and
                   reducing single use plastic, the most                between  finite  and  infinite. Art
                   burning issue  of  current  civilisation. It         also has a strong influence  on
                   cannot be right to manufacture billions of           issues related to environmental
                   objects that are used for a matter of                preservation.    Artworks        are
                   minutes, and then are with us for centuries.         essential tools for ecological
                                                                        activities that alert population to
                       Using plastic bags is very harmful for the       urgent matters and help  mobilize
                   environment as they pose a serious threat            people  to  fight  for  any cause  of
                   to  the  health  of  all living beings  on the       national interest
                   earth. We don’t need  a handful  of people
                   doing  zero waste  perfectly,  we  need          break down into very small fragments
                   millions of people  doing it imperfectly.        called  micro plastic  that can pollute  the
                   Hence, it is essential  to educate  people       ecosystem and harm organisms.
                   about the hazardous and
                   dangerous effects of single use                      Due to mass production of plastic in the
                   plastics. As we all know now, the                     form of food containers, bottles, fibers
                   production and                                                  etc, the plastic waste has
                   disposal  of plastic                                                      become a major
                   generates greenhouse                                                           problem  for
                   gases and                                                                      Marine     and
                   hazardous waste.                                                               ter restr ial
                   Further     plastic                                                           ecosystems.
                   products  often
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