Page 33 - Nai_Udaan_final
P. 33

What is  single-use                                                             beach marking word
       plastic?                                                                        Environment       day
       As the name recommends, it
       alludes to plastic things that                                                    Another delhi
       are   utilized  once    and                                                     based artist
       disposed  of. Single  utilized                                                  Manveer        Singh
       plastic  are used  in bundling                                                  known as the
       of  things  to  bottles,  poly-                                                 ‘Plasticvalla’    has
       thene  sacks,  facial cover-                                                    successfully
       ings, espresso  cups,  grip                                                     converted over 350
       film,  garbage sacks,  food                                                     kgs of used plastic
       packaging and so on.                                                                      in to
           Nowadays plastic contam-
       ination has turned  into a                                                                Ev er y
       significant  issue  because  of                                                           week, he
       the  Rapid creation of  PET                                                               collects
       (Polyethylene  Terephthal-     Diffrent curricular activities                             plastic
       ate) which is a single-use     in School. SKV SAWDA                                       waste
       plastic. The manufacturing,   A-BLOCK,GHEVRA (1413266)                                    from more
       disposal  of plastic  produces                                                            than     70
       ozone depleting substances that will create major    families in his neighbourhood and repurposes it
       atmospheric pollution and can lead to exposure of    to create never-before-seen artwork with a strong
       civilisation to harmful ultraviolet rays.            message against plastic pollution. Recently, he
                                                            installed  a 15-feet  Olive Ridley  sea turtle
                                                            artwork made completely of plastic waste at
                                                            Puri beach, Odisha. The artwork comprises
       The environmental benefits  of  recycled  art        200-250 small turtles made with plastic. For
       include its contribution to society to an extent     this, he collected over 50 kgs of MLP.
       to mobilise a cause with pouring in emotions
       and responsibility for each &, every individual.         Ambers Countryman, Veronika Richterova
       This moment can be a very interesting                and Maria Arceo are among a growing number
       educational tool to raise awareness in society,      of artistsworld wide who are using Visual Art
       especially among children regarding the              to raise awareness  of the  devastating  effect
       consequences of our action on the environment        that single-use plastic has on our oceans and
       and the importance of recycling. To celebrate        ocean life.
       world  environment day  this  year  within  the      Inspired  by  these  world-famous  interven-
       theme  &  ONLY  ONE  EARTH which  draws              tions, we Art teachers at the
       attention  towards playing one role                  educational helm can also be a contributor to
       effectively  while  living in perfect  harmony       our  society  by  using  school  building  as  a
       with nature without proving                                      canvas  to convey social causes  to
       a word and                                                         reach  masses  through  our
       on it.                                                              students!  This simple  thought
                                                                           inspire me to write this article
           Art installation under                                          for Science E Magazine.
       the theme  “only one
       Earth” by sand artist           Suman             Suman Relan          Our schools are already giving
       Sudarshan        Pattnaik      Drawing Teacher,     Mentor Teacher     us platforms to show  our
                                        SKV, Sawda,
       from  Odisha unrevealed         A-Block,Ghevra     Ggsss, B1, Vasantkunj  talent through Wall Art.
       his latest sand art at Puri
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