Page 10 - Nai Udaan march 2023
P. 10

Key Needs for  Organic Farming                  but it has since grown into a thriving little
                                                         oasis. I’ve got  tomatoes, peppers, bitter
         Organic farming relies on specific practices    gourd , ridged gourd, okra, grapes,
         and  materials  that  differ  from  conventional   mousumi, brinjal, , pomegranate, melon,
         agriculture. The following are some of the      garlic, herbs like basil, mint, and coriander,
         key needs for organic farming:                  and even a little lemon tree.
         -  Rotation and cover  cropping to build
         soil health and fertility, multilayer cropping   Every day, I  spend  time tending to my
         in a single pot                                 plants, checking for any pests, watering,
         -  Use of compost,  green manures, and          and fertilizing with compost and organic
         other natural soil amendments to provide        fertilizers like homemade  compost,  left
         nutrients.                                      over tea, coffee.
         - Coconut husk acts as a good bed cover
         for plants as it retains moisture for a long        The hard work is worth it when I see the
         time.                                           fruits (literally!) of my labor. Not only
         - Use of natural pest and disease control       does  my terrace garden provide fresh,
         methods like neem oil spray , garlic and        healthy food for me and my family, but it
         onion solution helps in preventing pests        also provides a peaceful retreat and a
         and does not harm beneficial insects and        source  of  joy. It’s  amazing  to watch  the
         crop diversity.                                 plants grow and change day by day, and
         -  Avoidance of synthetic fertilizers,          to see the wildlife that is attracted to my
         pesticides, and genetically modified            garden. Having an organic terrace garden
         organisms , makes gardening low cost.           has taught me so much about nature,
         - Attention to soil conservation and water      sustainability,  and self-sufficiency. It’s a
         management                                      small step I’ve taken to live a more envi-
         -  Access to markets that value and             ronmentally-friendly and  self-sufficient
         support organic products.                       life, and I wouldn’t have it any other way.
         Organic farming requires a different
         approach to farming than conventional           Organic Farming in School
         methods      and      requires    patience,
         persistence, and  a commitment  to              My  own  organic  garden experience
         long-term soil health.                          helped me a lot to start organic farming in
                                                         school with students and teachers.
         My Organic Terrace Garden                       Starting an organic garden in school is a
                                                         great way to educate students about the
         My terrace organic garden is my pride and joy.   benefits of sustainable agriculture and the
         It’s a small but flourishing space filled with a   importance of eating  fresh, wholesome
         variety of herbs, fruits, vegetables and flowering   foods.
         plants. I take great care in maintaining it, using       It also provides hands-on experience in
         only  organic  methods  of  cultivation and     growing and  nurturing plants, and
         pest control.                                   encourages responsibility and teamwork.
                                                         Eco club is giving us this wonderful
             I started my garden a few years ago         opportunity  to make our own organic
         with just a few containers and some seeds,      garden in school.

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