Page 11 - Nai Udaan march 2023
P. 11

It is a great experience to get students        repellent. It also keeps soil healthy.
         involved in all aspects of the garden, from     ●Basil  attracted  beneficial  insects  that
         planning and planting to harvesting and         helped keep the pests away.
         selling the produce. Encourage them to
         take ownership of the garden and to be          ●  Make  sure  your  pots  have  adequate
         proud of what they have accomplished.           drainage holes to prevent waterlogging.
                                                         ●Regularly  prune  your  plants  to  keep
             Starting an organic garden in school is a   them looking their best and promote new
         fun and educational project that helps          growth.
         students understand the importance of           ●Crush  eggshells  and  sprinkle  them
         sustainable agriculture and the benefits of     around your plants as a natural fertilizer.
         healthy eating. With a little planning,         Eggshells  contain  calcium,  which  is
         hard work, and community support, you           essential for healthy plant growth.
         can create a garden that will provide fresh     ●To prevent seedling root, dip vegetable
         produce for years to come.                      seed in solution of wood ash and water
                                                         for 15 to 30 minutes.
             India Among Top 3 Nations is Expanding      ●Soak the seeds in cow milk and water
         Organic Farming. In 2020, India ranks           solution for 30 minutes before germination,
         among the top three nations in expanding        it prevents yellowing of leaves and leaf
         organic farming, with the sector growing        spot diseases.
         rapidly in recent years. The increasing         ●Sprinkle  coffee  grounds  around  your
         demand  for organic products, both              plants to act as a fertilizer. Coffee grounds
         domestically and internationally, has also      are rich in nitrogen,  phosphorus, and
         encouraged  farmers  to adopt organic           potassium, which are essential for healthy
         farming practices.                              plant growth.
         Some special tips
         Here are some  special  tips from  my           In conclusion, organic gardening  is a
         diaries.                                        healthy  and environmentally friendly
         ●To protect tomatoes from being attacked        way of growing plants and vegetables. It
         by  pests, plant  basil and marigolds           involves using natural methods to fertilize
         around them.                                    and protect plants, reducing the use of
         ●Remove  and  dispose  of  diseased  or         harmful  chemicals  that can  negatively
         infested plant parts to reduce pest             impact the environment and our health.
         populations.                                    Organic gardening also promotes
         ●Neem oil, garlic and hot pepper sprays         biodiversity and  helps  preserve  the
                         can be effective in             ecosystem,    creating    a    harmonious
                           controlling pests.            balance between nature and  human
                           ●Grow flowering plants        beings.
                           to attract insect who help
                           in pollination to get             By choosing to garden organically, we
           Nisha Sharma    more fruits and               can take part in promoting sustainability
          SKV, No.2 ,C- Block   vegetables.              and preserving the planet for future
             Yamuna Vihar  ●Marigold  plant  is  a       generations.
                           good mosquito                 Reference: Google

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