Page 9 - Nai Udaan march 2023
P. 9

Teacher Innovation

                Organic Farming
                Organic Farming

              More than just better food

        O       rganic farming is an agricultural           other harmful chemicals.

                production system that avoids the use
                of synthetic fertilizers, pesticides, and
                genetically    modified      organisms      A Modern Approach to Farming
                                                            Practicing the organic  farming does
                (GMOs). It is based on the principles       not mean that we are going back and
                of ecology, biodiversity, and natural       using the old and traditional methods
                cycles.  This  approach results in          because there are many old techniques of
                healthier soils, which in turn produce      farming which are still used today.
                healthier plants that are better able to    Organic farming takes the best techniques
                resist pests and diseases.                  and  combines  those with the new
                                                            scientific methods. Farmers who practice
                  Organic  farming is a holistic            the organic farming do not leave their
                approach to agriculture that prioritizes    farms  totally upon nature, instead,
                environmental and human health. By          they avail  the complete  knowledge,
                choosing organic products, consumers        methods, and materials to work with
                can support sustainable agriculture         nature.
                and reduce their exposure to harmful
                chemicals.  Organic farming is a               By doing like this, the farmers maintain a
                method of farming that prioritizes the      balance to grow animals and crops.
                use of natural materials and                Organic farmers don’t see every insect
                techniques to grow crops and raise          as a pest and they don’t solve every
                livestock, instead of relying on            problem of a farm with the chemical
                synthetic fertilizers, pesticides and       farms.

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