Page 10 - final Nai Udaan september 2024
P. 10
4.2 . Technological Innovations
Many of the fruits and vegetables need a big amount of water for taking care of them during
their growing stage, and technological development can also contribute to the water crisis:
technologies for water desalination of sea water into fresh water; technologies for purification of
water, which make the scope and distance of safe and clean waters much greater; with development
in data analytics and remote sensing information, water can also be monitored and
controlled.That would necessitate infrastructural investments to its clean water, distribute it
equitably. It has to plan supply systems, facilities for treatment of the wastewater infrastructure
and sanitation. The public-private partnerships and foreign assistance could lend relevant aid to
building infrastructural facilities in areas that are disadvantaged.
4.4 Policy and Governance
Water management is so important approach that would make the
that it needs good policy and management of water efficient,
governance. International bodies ensure that everything possible is
are calling on governments to
develop and implement policies
that can most appropriately
enable the sustainable use of
water for protection and
maintenance, ensure access to the
resource, secure, and regulate the
quality. It also facilitates management
of trans-boundary water resources
and arrangements for
decision-making whenever
collaborative efforts are channeled
toward regional accord in order
to meet common challenges. The done sustainably, use new
water crisis is a multi-dimensional technologies, invest in infrastructure,
global issue with high critical and have a system of policies and
urgency, requiring actions of governance—to assure a secure
solid and incessant intensity to and sustainable future in water
reach very high levels of impact, for all people. Only this challenge
from dimensions such as human stands gigantic; however, with
health, economic stability, and the effort combined and team-
the environment. Such a crisis, work consolidated, we would be
therefore, demands an integrated able to cover the steep path
toward the resolution of the
global water crisis by taking care
Shivang that this most precious resource is
Sunil Kumar
Mahato kept for the coming generations.
Student, XI A
Ashok Nagar
References :
●NITI Aayog.
8 xÉ<Ç =cÉxÉ flrEcj ●Watershed Organisation Trust. (WOTR)