Page 11 - final Nai Udaan september 2024
P. 11
Teacher Innovation Need to know
Uncovering the Did you know that
hands-on science
experiments can
increase student
engagement by up to
70%? By incorporating
Wonders applications, students
sensory experiences and
can improve their
critical thinking skills by
40% and develop
Hands-on Wonders from My abilities that transfer to
Magic Box of Science real-life situations.
S cience is not just what we learn from books; to meet several colleagues and science
experts, who are dedicated to simplify
it is deeply embedded in our daily lives and
science for children by using innovative
activities. The knowledge behind every
process we observe, every phenomenon we
encounter, and the environment we live in Teaching Learning Materials and activities.
I gathered all the knowledge I gained and
is all rooted in science. Whether it’s the way put it together in a box, which I named the
plants grow, how cooking transforms ingredients, “Magic Box.” This box contains various
or even how technology functions, science materials and TLMs needed to perform
explains these processes. Understanding different science activities, ensuring that I
science means appreciating how the world have everything ready to help children
works, not just in theory but in practical, learn science in a fun and simple way. By
real-life situations. using these tools, I aim to make science
more accessible and engaging for students.
It’s thefoundation of the knowledge we apply To help children easily understand and grasp
every day in our surroundings, making life science concepts, I use various methods in the
and nature more comprehensible. classroom, such as incorporating TLMs,
Over the past few years, I got the opportunity models, and engaging activities. Science is
something that
grows within you;
the more you do, the
more you learn.
Developing a scientific
attitude in a child is
essential, and it can
only happen when
they observe and
engage with the
various activities
and phenomena
around them.
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