Page 19 - final Nai Udaan september 2024
P. 19
Simran grew up here. She knew these mountains better than
others, even better than her Scientist parents. She lost her parents a
few years back. Simran had a special connection to this place.
Her mom had always told her, this land must be preserved
and protected. It was their family duty. It was a duty she took
great pride in. Her connection to this land was so deep. It was the last bit
of their homeland and Simran intended to protect and preserve it.
They had lived through fire, flood and natural calamities made preparations
and plans for each. Simran knew what to do and when. She had courage
from her sense. Simran was a force.
She loved each of the trees, stream and knew every rock. They were her
friends, her relatives. The rocks; the elders, her advisors. The stream; her
way between worlds. They were in a symbiotic knot of harmony and
Simran was revelling Vansh sat up slowly and took a sip
in this much thought of the cool water and coughed
when she saw the some more. The last thing he
stranger approaching. remembered was approaching
Vansh hadn’t noticed toward the ‘Chill k Jungle’ to get
her yet and she was still getting a some pics. He was a freelance
read on him. He stumbled for- photographer. He covered climate
ward. Simran decided to catch his change and natural disasters.
attention. She took his breath away
literally. She stepped into sight The road had ended with a decent
and he fell directly to the view of the flames. Vansh clicked
ground…dhraammm. some good pics when suddenly
Simran certainly wasn’t expecting the wind moved. Somehow he
such a handsome young to fall in managed to find a path and
her lap. She looked wondered. She followed it out of the smoke. How-
rushed over to Vansh. He coughed ever, the smoke and altitude gain
and exhaled as he came to. seemed to have gotten the better of
“Hi there…. You ok?” Simran him and he passed out right there
offered him water. in Rakcham’s driveway.
flrEcj xÉ<Ç =cÉxÉ 17