Page 24 - magazine 1 august
P. 24
Journey of A Scientist
Prof. Dabbala Rajagopal
"Raj" Reddy
W hat do Alexa, Siri, Google assistant, Guindy college of Engineering,
Chennai in 1958.
Raj Reddy's career in academia and
common. Even with limited
functionalities, they still perform the research spans several decades, during
actions you ask them to perform. which he made significant
Robots having their own thinking contributions to various fields of
capabilities, machines responding to computer science.
the stimulus provided to them, All of
this and many more things have been He earned his master's degree in
possible due to “Artificial intelligence” Technology from the University of
(AI). The Artificial Intelligence is New South Wales in Sydney, Australia
changing the world as we see and in 1960. He then
perceive it. worked for IBM
there from
But do you know early progress in the 1960 to 1963.
field of ‘AI’ would not have been possi- Then he
ble without the contributions of an moved to
Indian Scientist who has left an indelible Stanford
mark on the world of technology and University,
artificial intelligence. US to
obtain his
Prof. Dabbala Rajagopal "Raj" Reddy is m as ter’ s
a pioneer in the field of computing and degree
Artificial Intelligence. He is the first (1964) and
Asian and only Indian to have won the P h . D .
Nobel prize of Computer Science the (1966) in
”Turing award”. computer
He was born on 13th June 1937 in
Katur village of Chittoor district of
Andhra Pradesh in a farmer family.
After getting early education in the
village, he received his bachelor’s
degree in Civil Engineering from
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