Page 25 - magazine 1 august
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He joined the faculty of Stanford University              In order to benefit the young students from
           in 1966 and quickly established himself as an       rural India he contributed in the establishment
           expert  in the areas of artificial intelligence     of Rajiv Gandhi University of Knowledge
           (AI), speech recognition, and human                 Technologies (RGUKT) for educating gifted
           computer interaction. In 1969, he moved on to       rural  youth in  Andhra  Pradesh  in  2008.  He
           Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh              says a fully digitally connected population
           where he and  his  team  worked  on  various        will help in providing the education anytime,
           pathbreaking  projects on voice  control of         anywhere which will help in educating
           robots,    controlled    speech    recognition,     people without being dropped out from the
           task-oriented computer architecture etc.            system. He is also the co-founder of American
                                                               Association for Artificial Intelligence. In 2021,
           Hearsay-I was the first system capable of           he was conferred with Computer History
           speech recognition developed by him and his         Museum (CHM) fellow award.
           team. Dragon, Hearsay II were developed
           later on. Perhaps his most significant and          He has received many awards and honours
           landmark contribution is the development of         for his contribution in the field of computer
           “Harpy” which he worked upon in early               science,  robotics  as  well  as  for  the service
           1970s. The system utilized various                  done towards the society. Along with being a
           techniques,  to improve  the accuracy  of           co-recipient with Ed Feigenbaum of the ACM
           speech recognition enabling it to handle            Turing Award in 1994, he is also a member of
           complex language patterns and understand            the National Academy  of Engineering and
           speech in real-world scenarios. Reddy's             the American Academy of Arts and Sciences.
           contributions to Harpy played a crucial role        In 1984, he was awarded the French Legion of
           in establishing  the  foundation for modern         Honour by French president.  He was awarded
           speech recognition technologies, which are          Padma Bhushan in 2001. He received Okawa
           now  widely used  in applications ranging           Prize in 2004, the Honda Prize in 2005 and the
           from voice assistants to transcription              Vannevar Bush Award in 2006.
                                                                    He proposes that AI shall be used to empower
           His desire of using the technology in the           the people at the bottom of the pyramid to get
           service of society has made him start and           all the benefits surpassing the barriers of
           participate in many initiatives for the             language and resources.
           betterment of the society. In 1981, he was the      Today he lives in Pittsburgh with his family
           chief scientist of the team ‘Centre Mondial         and is among the most respected names in the
           informatique et ressource humaine’s, founded        field of Robotics and Arti-
           by Jean-Jacques Servan-Schreiber in France          ficial Intelligence. His
           for development of Human resources in third         legacy as a visionary
           world country using Information Technology.         researcher, educator, and
           Universal digital library project for making        leader  will  continue  to
           books, music, media resources                       inspire future generations    Ravinder Kumar
           available for anytime, anywhere use was             of AI enthusiasts and  TGT , Natural Science
           another project started in 1990s by Raj Reddy,      shape the future of            GBSSS, Adarsh
           Robert Thibadeau, Jaime Carbonell, Michael          AI-driven innovation.           Nagar no. 1
           Shamos, and Gloriana S. Clai.

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