Page 31 - magazine 1 august
P. 31
Spoon Vase Bottle Piggy Bank
- Use white primer and - Wash the bottle and dry it.
paint the can. -Cut one hole wide enough on
-Cut handles of the plastic the side of the bottle to put a
spoons. coin.
- Paint the spoon heads in any - To avoid any cracking, seal the
color you like. Make sure you edges with adhesive paper or tape.
paint sufficient spoons required to cover - Fill the paper with the remainder of the
the can. container, and paint or make shapes
Let them You can
dry for also pull it
some out and
time. make it
- Paste look like a
the dried pig with
spoons the same
to the can in layers. pure stick-
- Your Spoon Vase is ready. ing materi-
- Your bank is ready for money.
Milk Carton Bird House Plastic Bottle Pencil Box
- Sprinkle the white paint on a -Take plastic bottles and
milk carton. Let it dry. remove their stickers. If
- Mix glue with water and sticky places remained after
apply all over the carton removal, then rub them with a
using a paintbrush. solvent to remove the varnish.
- You can allow your kids to paste - Cut the top of the bottle with the
paper pieces on the carton when the cutter box.
glue is still wet. - To round out the top, use scissors. -
- Make a hole at the top of the carton Continue to trim until you hit the height
using a knife. you want. No jagged lines are left.
- Make the opening of the door. Seek to render a bottle with a regu-
- Below the door, cut an X shape lar pen or pencil not shorter than
and insert a spoon through that half height.
which can be used to keep the bird - Use glue to place a portion of the
food. zipper at the top of the bottle Take
- Attach the roof made out of book Komal Rohilla the rest of the part of the plastic
cover above the carton. TGT Natural Science bottle and glue it.
- Use a thread to tie the Birdhouse. SKV NO. 3, - Our plastic bottle pencil box is
Mandawali ready.
twu- 2023 xÉ<Ç =cÉxÉ 29