Page 36 - magazine 1 august
P. 36

        Access  to clean water is a fundamental human
        right. According to a report from the Bureau of
        Indian  Standards,  India  experiences major
        setbacks during monsoons and flooding seasons due to
        rapid urbanization and poor town planning, leaving
        streets flooded and broken. Potable Water quality
        is severely affected  during the rainy season
        which makes water unfit for usage. As per the
        World Health Organization,
        approximately 2.2 billion people lack  access  to
        safe drinking water.

        Keeping this in mind, we along with three of our
        students from class XI (Kashika Yadav, Soumil           provide safe and affordable drinking  water  to
        Garg and Vansh Jain) took it on as a mission to         ‘Not Only the Rich but to the Masses.’

           Basic Principles Involved:                           component that removes any  organic impurities,
                                                                chlorine,  and  other contaminants  from  the
                                                                water, which cause bad taste and odour in the
           The H2cleanO device consists of minimal              water.
           components, each serving a specific purpose          - The Mineral Cartridge/filter is the third
           in the water purification process. H2CleanO           component, which adds  minerals back into
           can  be customized  based on  the quality of         the water that  are lost during the filtration
           water needed.                                        process. This ensures that the water is potable.

           - The Sediment Filter is the first component,        - The UV lamp is the fourth component, which
           which removes                                        kills any remaining bacteria,  viruses, and
           - large particles and sediments such as sand,        other  microorganisms  in the water. This
           dirt, and rust from the water.                       ensures that the water is safe for
           -  The  Pre-Post Carbon  Filter is the second        consumption.

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