Page 33 - magazine 1 august
P. 33
2. Composting 3. Upcycling
Composting is a natural process that Upcycling is the process of transforming
breaks down organic waste into a waste materials into new products of
nutrient-rich soil amendment. By higher value or quality.
composting food scraps, yard waste, Instead of throwing away used items,
and other organic materials, we can upcycling encourages us to find
divert a significant amount of waste creative ways to reuse and repurpose
from landfills and reduce greenhouse them.
gas emissions. For example, the fashion industry is
In urban areas, composting can be starting to embrace upcycling as a way
challenging due to limited space and to reduce waste and create unique,
resources. However, innovative sustainable clothing. Brands like
solutions like the Bokashi composting Patagonia and Eileen Fisher are using
system allow people to compost food discarded fabrics to create new
waste in small spaces and without the garments and accessories, while
need for outdoor composting bins. designers like Stella McCartney are
This system uses a mix of microorgan- experimenting with innovative
isms to ferment food waste in an materials like mushroom leather and
airtight container, which can then be recycled ocean plastic.
used as a soil amendment for indoor
or outdoor plants.
4. Waste-to-Energy
Waste-to-energy technologies convert waste into
useful forms of energy like electricity, heat, and fuel.
By using waste as a resource, these technologies can
reduce the amount of waste sent to landfills and
generate clean energy at the same time.
One of the most promising waste-to-energy technologies is
anaerobic digestion, which uses bacteria to break
down organic waste and produce biogas. This gas can be burned to generate electricity
or heat, or refined into transportation fuels like bio gasoline and bio-diesel.
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