Page 34 - magazine 1 august
P. 34

5. Recycling

                 Recycling is  a well-established method  of waste
                 management that involves collecting, sorting, and
                 processing materials to create new products. While
                 recycling has its challenges, such as contamination
                 and lack of infrastructure in some areas, it remains
                 an essential tool in reducing waste and conserving

                 Innovative recycling solutions are emerging, such
                 as the use of artificial intelligence to improve sorting accuracy and
                 efficiency. Companies like AMP Robotics are using AI-powered
                 robots to sort recyclables more quickly and accurately, which could
                 help increase the volume and quality of recycled materials.

                 Conclusion:                                                                     Yashika
                 Innovation is key to solving the complex challenges of waste management. By        X A
                 exploring new ideas and technologies, we can find ways to reduce waste,     S(CO-ED)V, NO-3,
                                                                                                Sector - IV,
                 conserve resources, and create a more sustainable future.                  DR. Ambedkar Nagar

                             1) BAR                                3)   WEARING
                             CODE                                  HEAD -
                             SCAN-                                 PHONES FOR
                          NERS                                     AN        HOUR
                     READ       THE                                MULTIPLIES
                WHITE       SPACES                                 THE      BACTE-
                BETWEEN THE BLACK LINES RATHER                     RIA IN YOUR
                THAN THE BLACK LINES                               EAR BY 700 TIMES.

                2) ANIMALS                                        4) HUMMING
                LIKE      SEA                                     BIRD  IS  THE
                TURTLE                                            O    N     L   Y
                A     N      D                                    A NI M A L
                S A L M ON                                        WHICH CAN
                HAVE THE                                          FLY      BACK-
                ABILITY  TO                                       WARDS.
                AND USE  THIS SENSE  FOR NEVIGA-

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