Page 16 - september 2023
P. 16
Book Review
Wings Of Fire
Wings Of Fire
An Autobiography
W ings of Fire is an autobiography of Avul Pakir reading this, I was truly bored and
Jainulabdeen Abdul Kalam (commonly
didn’t want to continue reading the
known as APJ Abdul Kalam) written by Arun
Tiwari. Arun Tiwari worked under APJ book any further. But I had invested my
savings in this book, so I just could not
Abdul Kalam in the Defence Research make myself to not read it and waste my
and Development Laboratory (DRDL), money. So, I decided to read atleast half
Hyderabad. of a chapter each day just to complete the
book as soon as possible. The boredom I felt
APJ Abdul Kalam was a defence scientist in the first few chapters eventually started to
and the eleventh President of India. This disappear day by day.
book is the story of Dr. Kalam’s own rise My interest started to grow more in learning
from obscurity and his personal and about the life of Dr. Kalam, his struggles, his
professional struggles. This is also the success and, most importantly, his failures. It
saga of independent India’s struggle for started to inspire me, evolving me and
technological self-sufficiency and defensive teaching me a lot of lessons at a moment.
autonomy- a story as much about politics, One thing that had a deep impact on me
domestic and international, as it is about was the way he used to deal with his
science. Wings of fire was the first failures and comeback even stronger. His
autobiography book I have bought in my struggling phase instances always motivated
life when I was in my 9th class, truly too me to rise high and not giving up when I
young to understand half of the things I failed.
was reading. The book has a lot of major
glimpses of Science, various aspects of his This book was literally something I
life, and complicated things to understand for needed in my teenage and every teenager
a kid of my age. As a result, when I started needs while growing up
14 xÉ<Ç =cÉxÉ flrEcj -2023