Page 20 - september 2023
P. 20

Success stories from our RAA lab                        when we are out of town for weeks or months.

        Numerous  success  stories  have  emerged  from         4. Water level indicator: In this model Arduino
        labs, showcasing the transformative impact of           and ultrasonic sensors are used to measure the
        these labs. Here are a few notable examples:            water level automatically.

        1. Smart parking system: Students designed  a           5. Smoke detector: This model is about designing
        smart parking system based on ultrasonic sensors        a detector for detecting smoke in the environment
        and arduino  which detect obstacles  behind the         using gas sensors  and Arduino which provides
        vehicle at a particular distance while parking.         protection for life as well as property.

        2. Smart dustbin: Students designed a smart dustbin     6. Hydropon-
        that optimizes waste collection without touching        ics: A work-
                                              it.               shop      was
                                                                organized  for

                                              3. Automatic      students    to
                                              Irri g ati on     grow plants
                                              system:  This     using        a
                                              system uses       water-based
                                              an Arduino        nutrients
                                              Uno  with a       solution
                                              moisture          rather    than
                                              sensor            soil    under
        which will maintain the optimum level of                RAA Lab.
        moisture by irrigating plants automatically even
                         ”During my childhood, like all              success
                            children I aspired to be a Police        stories
                             officer, rock climber, doctor,          demon-
                              singer and the list is long but I      strate
                              ended up being a teacher.
                                                                     the immense potential of young innovators

                            I'm   delighted being a teacher          and the impact they can make through RAA
                          as I can motivate and encourage            labs.
                      my students to choose and follow                                         The        Rashtriya
            their passion and fulfill their dreams by work-                                    Avishkar  Abhiyan
            ing hard. RAA lab                                                                  aims     to    make
            provides such opportunities to my team and                                         science, mathematics,
                                                                                               and      technology
            Darshana Kumari                                                 Seema Rani         interesting      and
            HOS SKV Pooth Kalan -1412027                                   TGT Natural Sci.    engaging          for
                                                                                 SKV           students.
                                                                              Pooth Kalan

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