Page 21 - september 2023
P. 21

Fiction story

                     Chandrayaan 13:
                    Chandrayaan 13:

                           Mission On Moon
                            Mission On Moon

                  I    n the year 2035, as Earth grappled with new       Dr. Malik’s scientific curiosity was piqued.
                                                                       He set up his equipment, analyzing the
                       challenges, a determined team of scientists
                       in India embarked on an audacious
                                                                       energy readings. “This anomaly appears
                       mission:  Chandrayaan 13. The  previous         to be emitting a form of electromagnetic
                       lunar missions  had paved the way, but          radiation  we’ve  never  encountered
                       this one was different. It carried a crew of    before,” he  reported. “It’s  like nothing
                       four: Captain Aanya Shah, Dr. Rajan             from our understanding of physics.”
                       Malik, Engineer Maya Patel, and
                       Communications         Specialist    Rohan          Maya, engrossed in her engineering
                       Kapoor.                                         tasks, noticed an irregularity in the
                                                                       moon’s  surface.  She  approached  it and
                           As Chandrayaan 13’s spacecraft soared       realized it  was an entrance, a hidden
                       towards the Moon, a mysterious energy           underground tunnel. With a mix of
                       anomaly was detected on the lunar               excitement and caution, she called out to
                       surface. The anomaly seemed to be alter-        her crewmates. “I’ve found something!
                       ing the moon’s magnetic field and emit-         There’s a passage leading underground.
                       ting an otherworldly light. The team’s          It’s like someone or something built it.”
                       excitement was tinged with a mix of curiosity
                       and trepidation.  What  lay  ahead was                 As the team entered the tunnel, they
                       beyond anything they had imagined.              discovered an intricate network of chambers,
                       Upon landing, the crew stepped onto the     each  containing artifacts that seemed  to
                       lunar surface, greeted by an eerie, lumi-       defy the known laws of science. Ancient
                       nescent landscape. The anomaly’s energy         symbols adorned  the walls, and holo-
                       filled the  air, creating  an otherworldly      graphic displays flickered to life as they
                       glow.                                           approached. One  display showed the
                                                                       moon as it had once been, lush with life
                           Captain Aanya’s heart raced as she          and teeming with activity.
                       looked out at the lunar horizon. “This is       Rohan marveled at the images. “This is a
                       unbelievable,” she  whispered,  her voice       treasure trove of lost history,” he said, his
                       carried by the comms to her crewmates.          voice filled with awe. “It’s like the moon
                                                                       was once a hub of civilization.”

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