Page 32 - december 2022 Nai Udaan
P. 32

Feature Article

                         Ethanol Blended
                          Ethanol Blended

                      Petrol Programme
                      Petrol Programme

          A         s we know petrol is the most commonly          well as irritation to eyes. It leads to falling

                                                                   of flower buds from plants.
                    used  fuel  for  automobiles.  Petrol is  a
                    fossil fuel which is formed after millions
                    of years from dead and decaying remains           When oxides  of nitrogen mix with
                    of plants and animals buried under earth       water in rain, nitric acid is formed and
                    crust. Fossil fuels like petrol are non        when oxides of sulphur are mixed with
                    renewable sources of energy that is their      water, sulphuric acid is formed. Thus
                    supply is  limited  and  they will  exhaust    presence of these oxides are cause of acid
                    one day.                                       rain. Acid rain is harmful for agriculture,
                                                                   trees and plants as it dissolves  and
                        Furthermore, these fuels have traces of    washes away nutrients needed for their
                    elements like nitrogen and sulphur due to      growth. It causes respiratory ailments in
                    which these fuels release oxides of nitrogen   human beings and animals. When acid
                    and sulphur when they are burnt. Thus          rain falls and  flows as ground water to
                    burning of fossil fuels leads to air pollution   reach rivers, lakes etc. It affects plants
                    as these oxides are harmful for plants and     and animal life in water bodies. It leads to
                    animals and are also a cause of acid rain.     degradation of metal in water pipes
                                                                   resulting in the leaching of heavy metals
                        Higher concentrations of nitrogen          such as iron, lead and copper into the
                    dioxide damage the leaves of plants and        drinking water. Acid rain damages build-
                    slow down the rate of photosynthesis ( a       ings and other structures made of stone
                    process  by which  plants make  their          or metal. The Taj Mahal in India has been
                    food). Nitrogen dioxide can lead to acute      affected by acid rain. The marble of
                    respiratory disease  in  children.  Sulphur    Tajmahal is getting  discoloured  and
                    dioxide can cause Respiratory diseases as      lustureless due to acid rain.

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