Page 38 - december 2022 Nai Udaan
P. 38
Action research
1.studies carried out in the course of an activity or occupation, typically in the field of
education, to improve the methods and approach of those involved.
Typically, action research is a part of a larger Worksheet-1, PITARA kits (5), Smartboard
research designed to answer questions related with internet access, Physics textbook Part 1
to the field of the research. The action research NCERT, Paper scale cut-outs; poster making
was conducted for the topic-Units and materials, basic stationery, sticky notepad,
Measurements (Chapter 2) NCERT Physics coloured sheets.
textbook Part 1. My action research in a classroom
was designed with Specific Objectives viz, METHODOLOGY
1. To inculcate a scientific spirit among the
learners; In order to diagnose their preconceptions related
2. To follow a constructivist approach to learning to LO-1 and 6, a pre-assessment sheet was
rather than rote learning; given to the students. Based on the responses in
3. To encourage the application of knowledge the pre-assessment sheet-1, a discussion was
and skills in real life problem solving scenarios; pursued in the class related to the nature and
4. To develop Critical thinking and analytical scope of physics as a discipline of knowledge and
skills connection between Physics, technology
5. To integrate innovations in pedagogy such and society; and also, about the discoveries,
as experiential learning, Sport & Art-Inte- inventions and recent developments in Physics.
grated Learning, toy-based pedagogy, The students were motivated to do research
storytelling, gamification etc. with technologi- related to Physicists and their contributions in
cal innovations (ICT integration). the development of science. The smartboard
was used in the classroom to integrate ICT with
Desired learning outcomes were: the teaching-learning strategies.
The learner:
1. Appreciates the nature and scope of physics Many students
as a discipline of knowledge and connection studied about
between physics, technology and society. different Physi-
2. Uses units of physical quantities as per the SI cists and made
system, standard symbols and conventions; Many beautiful posters
students studied about different Physicists and depicting their
made beautiful posters depicting their photo- photographs and
graphs and achievements. achievements
3. Handles tools and laboratory apparatus
4. Estimates and measures physical quantities
by using the appropriate apparatus/instru-
5. Realises the importance of calibration and
calibrates improvised scale.
6. Takes initiative to learn about the discoveries,
inventions and recent developments in physics.
sheet; Assessment sheet-1; Assessment sheet-2; (NCERT textbook on smartboard in class)
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