Page 35 - december 2022 Nai Udaan
P. 35

Scientific researches and discoveries

            Marie Curie and Pierre Curie started working
            together in laboratory. They performed their
            early researches in difficult conditions as the
            laboratory arrangements were not proper.
            They had to undertake much teaching to earn
            their bread and butter. Marie chose to work on
            Wilhelm Roentgen’s discovery of X- rays and
            discovery  of  radiation in Uranium  by Henri

                She adopted this study of Henri Becquerel as
            her thesis topic. At first, she was curious about
            source of high  energy  emissions. She found
            that  Uranium showed no visible chemical
            transformation, no change in appearance and
            no appreciable change in state.

                So, the source of energy emission remained      fundamental scientific understanding that
            undetectable. She was amazed  whether the           atoms are not essentially stable. She measured
            emitted rays were defying the first law of  the intensity of Uranium rays by electrometer
            thermodynamics, the  law of conservation of         invented by Pierre and his brother.
            energy. She made a important hypothesis that
            emission of rays by Uranium containing                 She deduced  that amount of radiation
            mineral could be an atomic property of the          depend on the amount of element present in
            element Uranium.                                    the mineral.She began  to study if there are
                                                                other elements that also emitted the same type
                It was a bold and revolutionary statement       of radiation. She discovered that Thorium also
            atom as atom was thought to be the most             emitted radiation. She concluded  that some
            fundamental particle , the one which is indivisible.   unknown substance, very active was present
            Curie’s hypothesis would revise the                 in those minerals.

            Radio activity

                                    Pierre and Curie discovered the existence of Polonium and Radium in
                                        1898. Then, they isolated radioactive radium salts from the mineral
                                          pitchblende in their laboratory in Paris. Curie described  the
                                            elements an ‘radioactive’.  She coined the term ‘radioactivity’
                                             based on the Latin word for ray to describe the behaviour of Ura-
                                              nium and Thorium and defined as the activity of rays that are
                                              dependent on Uranium’s atomic structure, the number of atoms
                                              of Uranium. Marie Curie defended her thesis on the new
                                              radioactive substances in 1903 and gained her Doctor of Science
                                             degree in the same year. In 1903, Pierre Curie and Marie Curie
                                            along with Becquerel were awarded the Nobel prize for Physics.
                                           Their second daughter Eve was born in 1904. Pierre’s life was short
                                        , he died in a road accident in 1906.

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