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Trending Technology



                                                             A leap towards

                                                              storing energy

           S      cientists have created a battery designed for the   self-discharge  limitations of today’s
                                                                    battery technologies.
                  electric  grid  that  locks  in  energy  for  months
                  without  losing  much  storage  capacity.  The
                  development  of  the  “freeze-thaw  battery’’     Harnessing  and  packaging  nature’s
                  which freezes its energy for use later, is a step   energy
                  towards batteries that can be used for seasonal
                  storage: saving energy in one season, such as     Renewable  sources ebb and  flow with
                  the spring, and spending  it in another, like     nature’s cycles.  That makes it difficult  to
                  autumn.                                           include them in a reliable, steady stream of
                                                                    electricity.  In the  Pacific  Northwest  in the
                      The prototype is small, about the size of a   spring, for instance, rivers heavy with runoff
                  hockey puck. But the potential usefulness of the   water power hydroelectric dams to the max
                  science behind the device is vast, foretelling a   just as winds blow fiercely down the Colum-
                  time when energy from intermittent sources,       bia Gorge.
                  like sunshine and wind, can be stored for a
                  long time.                                            All that power must be harnessed immediately
                                                                    or stored for a few days at most. Grid operators
                      The work by scientists at the Department      would love to harness that springtime energy,
                  of Energy’s Pacific Northwest National            store it in large batteries, then release it late
                  Laboratory  (PNNL) was published  online          in the year when the region’s winds are slow,
                  March 23 in Cell Reports Physical Science.        the rivers are low, and demand for electricity
                  “Longer-duration energy storage technologies are   peaks.
                  important for increasing the resilience of the
                  grid when incorporating a large amount of
                  renewable energy’’ said Imre Gyuk, director           The batteries would also enhance utilities,
                  of Energy Storage at DOE’s Office of Electricity,   ability to weather  a power  outage  during
                  which funded the work. This research marks        severe  storms, making large  amounts  of
                  an important step toward a seasonal battery       energy available to be fed into the grid after a
                  storage solution  that overcomes the              hurricane, a wildfire or other calamity.

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