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Our participations
03 ‘Ideate for India – Creative
Solutions Using Technology’
, a national challenge by
National eGovernance Division,
Ministry of Electronics and
Innovations at National level 02 Information Technology,
Government of India and Intel
India is one such initiative to
spread awareness and make the
future citizens understand how
they can participate and
contribute in this movement.
Our school bagged award in top
listed schools in north zone of
India for the innovative project
and shortlisted in Regional
Tech created Boot Camp 7 th -
10 th May 2019. The project
addressed an upcoming
problem which was unnoticed
and will intensify with increased
usage of technology in gener -
ATL Marathon is a national level innovation challenge, ations to come:
where students identify community problems and develop Radiations.
innovative solutions in the form of working prototypes.
Project “Engineered larvaecidal cakes” bagged National After intense research, World
award for this unique innovative project from our school. Health Organization has already
Mosquitoes cause more human suffering than any declared EMFs as type II carcino-
other organism -- over one million people worldwide gens. Visualization of lethal
die from mosquito-borne diseases every year. Ananya effects of invisible radiation on
Bhatia, Ridhi Kalia and Sehej Soni of class XII began living cells would effectively
their research to develop a solution which would be sensitize civilians, hospital
unique, practical, cost-efficient and accessible. The workers and nuclear power
main focus of this innovation was to tackle both plant workers. So, we have
mosquito borne illnesses and reuse cigarette butt developed a unique E.coli based
waste. The cake had sugar, desiccated yeast, binding disposable badges that can indicate
material to initiate fermentation once cake is immersed whether the radiation exposure to a
in water that produced carbon dioxide that acts as a bait worker. All the research work
to attract adult mosquitoes. Nicotine from waste done under guidance of Dr.
cigarette butt is lethal not only to the breeding larvae Bhupinder Singh, Principal
but also the adult mosquitoes and kills them Scientist and Radiological
very effectively. Safety Officer, Nuclear
Research Laboratory, Centre
It can be put in your cooler, a flower pot, or a puddle of for Environment Science and
stagnant water and it will start working its magic in 24 Climate Resilient Agriculture,
hours. The product was tested at the National Institute of ICAR-Indian Agricultural
Malarial Research on Anopheles mosquitoes. Research Institute, New Delhi.