Page 19 - Nai_Udaan_final
P. 19

During     these   discussions,
                                  students came up with this
                                  wonderful idea of converting
                                  the ‘used masks to planters’
                                  The first step towards this was
                                  to collect, wash and disinfect
                                  the ‘used’ masks from their
                                  own families.Students washed
                                  and dried  these  masks and
                                  then  carefully  separated  the
                                  holding  elastic  strings.They
                                  stitched  together  5 to 6
                                  masks and give it the  shape
                                  of a planter. Soil was added
                                  into it and plants planted in
                                  these ‘mask planters’.

       As the spread of the virus stopped and the  we
       situation outside improved, paving way to  made  a puppet
       restoring of outdoor activities, students went to    character by the
       the nearby neighbourhood plant nursery.              name of ‘Miss
                                                            Shiksha’ and ‘
           They asked the gardeners to replace the plastic   Little  Gyan’.We
       holders  of saplings  with used  mask planters       then tried to
       which they  happily  agreed  to.Thus,we found        explain different  ways  to increase immunity
       our own way of dealing with used masks and           like sprouting dals in a easy way.
       did our little bit for the environment.
                                                            The sessions made the students self motivated
           Subsequently, to foster healthy eating habits    and helped  them  to  live  a healthy,active  life
       and to increase the immunity of the children,        while also helping their parents at home.

         As the spread of the pandemic declined, we became more and more aware of the importance
         of living a healthy life post corona.In this series,’Yoga Day’was celebrated with great enthusiasm
         wherein all students made posters on the theme and had yoga sessions to enhance emotional,-
         mental and physical well-being.This paved the way to give up the sedentary lifestyle which the
         pandemic had brought in and shift to an active one.

                               The     journey
                               continued  and
                               we  celebrated
                               events      like          gw¡ eSa ,d vnn NksVk lk fgLlk
                               d e ve lop ing               nkLrkusa ftanxh dk exj
                               nationalism on                 gS esjk gkSlyk cqyan             Ritu Puri
                               the                                                           Mentor Teacher
        ‘Independence  Day’ and ‘organ                  gks lkFkZd esjk gj uUgk dne !!      SKV No1 ,C Block
        donation  sensitisation’... all  in the                                                Janak Puri
        ‘Activity Classroom’.
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