Page 20 - Nai_Udaan_final
P. 20

Ek ‘initiative’ aisa bhi

                                                               Where There
                                                                Where There

                                                                        is a will,
                                                                         is a will,

                                                                         There is
                                                                         There is

                                                                               a way
                                                                                a way

              P      lastic  has been  a curse  for our mother      regarding Alternatives to single Use Plastic
                                                                    and  Plastic  Waste  Management.  The
                     nature. Its presence,  in any form,  is
                                                                    activities  included  in the  IEC  plan  are;
                     affecting  not only our environment  but
                     also every living organism on this planet.     Pledge by students at morning assembly,
                     It blocks  the  surface  of  the  land  where   Short Videos/Documentary Clips  in the
                     seeds are supposed                                                 classrooms,  Poster
                     to grow into plants                                                Making, Slogan
                     and subsequently                                                   Writing,  making of
                     into trees. Time                                                   E-Brochures/  E-Book-
                     required          for                                              lets, workshops, Drama/
                     decomposition  of                                                  Nukkad Natak/ Role
                     plastic ranges from                                                Play, Seminars and
                     centenary          to                                              Webinars under differ-
                     millennia. Destruc-                                                ent  themes such as
                     tion    of    plastic                                              Waste      Segregation,
                     causes  even more harm to the   air we         Discouraging Use  of Single  Use  Plastic
                     breathe. These problems are a collective       and Encouraging use of alternative,
                     challenge for survival of the current          Plastic Bags (Harmful impacts and feasible
                     generation as well for upcoming                alternatives), Littering  of  Plastics,  and
                     generations  for whom, Directorate  of         Reuse  of Plastic Waste (Best  out  of
                     Education, is committed to bring light of      Waste).
                     hope  through  awareness  and learning
                     among its students.                                Our students are much more interested
                                                                    in the activities and also aware of the
                         Keeping our commitment in mind, we         harmful effect of Single Use Plastic than
                     are conducting many activities under the       we are. This is evident by the month-wise
                     IEC (Information, Education and                number of participating students as given
                     Communication) Plan for awareness              under:
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