Page 14 - 4th edition Nayi Udaan
P. 14

Rainbow on paper :                              planets and its texture
                we can use this activity
                to explain the children                                 Art with Geo-
           about the rainbow and VIB-                                   metrical  Shapes
           GYOR colours.                                                :  Students  learn to
                                                                use geometric shapes while
                                                                making anatomical draw-
                                                                ings  of  human beings,
                 The Art and Sci-                               animals and birds.
                 ence of leaf : leaf
                 texture  rubbing by
           using pencil shading and                                    Art with Mechan-
           making        impressions                                   ical Drawings  :
           through paint colours.                                      Through the  shapes
                                                                of plane and solid geometry
                                                                ,students  can learn the
                 Leaf Relief : Leaf                             perspective and shapes and
                 as relief  sculpture                           angel with different views
                 by  impression  of
           leaf on clay
                                                                       Integration       Art
                                                                       With Stem:  sub-
                                                                       jects  helps  students
                    Art and Science: water colours and          understand the inter- relat-
                    oil by Bubble technique – Teach our         edness  of  everything  they
                    kids that oil and water don’t mix with      learn     and      promotes
           this fun project                                     creativity and collaboration at early childhood.
                                                                The Art plays  a               vital role in the
                   The study of seed                            development  of                  reading ,imag-
                   crystals  growth                             ination,                          cr ea tiv ity,
                   (ROCK CANDY)-                                ae sthe t ical                     development
           Students  make crystals                              of a child.
           Rock  candy. It is fun to
           some  colour while  doing                                                 Soma Das
                                                                                    Art Department
           experiments                                                            Arwachin International
                                                                                  School, Dilshad Garden

                   Flower        Petal
                   Finger Paint  :
           This is a science – Art ,stu-
           dents can take flowers and
           make paint from them.

                  Nine  Planets Art
                  Lesson  : Students
                  make mixed  media
           of colouring of different

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