Page 18 - 4th edition Nayi Udaan
P. 18

Mentor’s Interventions

                         Home as Lab
                         Home as Lab

                           A signif
                           A significant Component in icant Component in

                                         Science T
                                         Science Teachingeaching

                                                      -Louis Pasteur

           S     cience  lab  experiences  improve student          upon meaningful workable solutions  for

                 understanding  of  scientific  facts  and con-
                                                                    maintaining a coherent & cohesive environ-
                 cepts and of the way in which these concepts       ment in my school science labs. But during
                 are applicable to their daily lives. Labs pro-     the period of pandemic when everything
                 vide  experimental  foundation  and familiar-      came to a halt and schools were closed, I had
                 ise students with scientific methods of                 to think quickly beyond the boundaries
                 collecting and analysing  data. Labs                        of a school. To understand science
                 teach  students  to  make careful                              one needs  experience  in experi-
                 experimental observations and                                   mentation. But  that  seemed  to
                 how to think about and draw                                      be impossible  during the
                 conclusions from such data.                                       closure of schools.

                      The laboratory is not a com-                                   I as a teacher was trying to do
                 petition whose object is to get                                  my  best  to  keep  my  students
                 the “right answer.” The purpose                                interested in science subject, but
                 is to learn how to gain knowledge.                           without practical and experiments
                 The important objective  is to learn                      how that can be even possible.
                 how to be observant and to understand, or
                 learn  to  understand,  the  meaning  of  what          Shulman and Tamir, in the Second Hand-
                 happens.                                           book of Research on Teaching (Travers, ed.,
                                                                    1973), listed  five objectives  that  can be
                       As a science teacher and being aware of all   achieved through the use of the laboratory in
                 the above mentioned facts, I always worked         science classes:
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