Page 19 - 4th edition Nayi Udaan
P. 19

        -Cognitive abilities
        -Understanding the nature of science
             I was continuously thinking and reading
        about how my students can have these objec-
        tives even when they are at home. Online
        teaching was a solution and experimenting at
        ‘home as a lab’, my challenge! learning has to
        go  on. I wanted  the  students  to  have first
        hand experience in doing science activities.

             I made a list of some easy, safe and class
        appropriate science activities and with great
        enthusiasm  started  the  ACTIVITY  OF THE
        WEEK  project  for my students  at  home.
        Initially I shared one simple science activity
        using videos, voice messages  and steps  for
        them to perform the activity at home and they       complete the activity. It was an overwhelming
        were instructed to share the activity completed     response, which I accepted as a form of their
        by them in the WhatsApp group.                      recognition of my efforts.
             To my surprise I found my students to be
        more  enthusiastic and curious than me. They        When  the  schools  reopened  and students
        eagerly  waited  for the  next  Activity of  the    started to come to school, I took a step further
        Week .                                              and introduced these activities to my mentee
             As we started on this journey my phone             schools’  students.
        was continuously  ringing,  as students
        wanted more clarifications ,                                   They also enjoy doing these
        more  support, more motivation                             experiments  which make them learn
        and also some wanted shortcuts for                            science and also develop their scien-
        the activity to be completed…                                 tific temperament and start finding
                                                        Kiran          science  even  beyond  their  books.
                                                    Mentor Teacher
              My WhatsApp group was overflowing   GGSSS, B-1, Vasant Kunj  The proud journey continues…
        with photos of their attempts to

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