Page 22 - 4th edition Nayi Udaan
P. 22

They made their science  lab attractive with         etc. when they enter or exit the science lab.
            colourful  desks, tables,  beautiful  charts etc.
            repaired & reused most of the junk. They grew
            medicinal  and  ornamental plants  which  are         Organic composting container (Khamba) is an
            required to be studied  by the  students  in         interesting  project  to make organic compost
            science  lab for example  – chui-mui, creeper,       with the help  of waste  peels  of vegetables,
            satavari, Morina, Exora, Rheo, Aprajita, Fern,       fruits  & organic matter, they  proudly  show-
            Jatrupa,  Sarson,  Moongdal,          chana etc.             cased.“The  only purpose  to do this is
            They are planning a but-                  terfly                that our  future  generation inherit
            garden as a feeding                                              the quality of protecting the envi-
            station    to     attract                                         ronment from our own  examples
            insects.                                                         because as they see, so shall they
                 Her students learn                                             do.” Ms Reena concluded
            about    the    plants      Reena saini          Suman Relan         proudly.Have some glimpses
            everyday,        their        SKV No 2,           Mentor Teacher     of this abode of love & dedica-
            name, uses, structure          Madipur         GGSSS, B-1,Vasant Kunj  tion! Compiled as narrated!
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