Page 21 - 4th edition Nayi Udaan
P. 21

She received help and motivation from friends        NGOs to support the cause.
        & family too and engaged herself with different

            What we can do with seeds after consuming fruits, she paused and asked. Quite hesitant I
            was, but she fondly narrated her experience of making some balls of cow dung, mud &
            manure, putting seeds in them and throwing them away at open spaces, so that when they
            found a suitable environment they sprout and grow on their own. Recently they travelled to
            Vrindavan and spread these balls at suitable barrens.

           con duct
           w orkshop s
           and     throw
           with students
           about carbon
           footprints  we
           should  leave
           behind. Stu-
           dents    enjoy
           these    inter-
           ventions and
           shared how fun loving these activities are.
           Some of their recent projects include making urban forest, tree
           walk,  plogging, vermicomposting. The activities they  loved
           doing are picking up the waste bottles & putting them in differ-
           ent shapes and using them as planters.
           They did plantations in the torn away jeans to support reducing
           the household junk and to push some out of the box fancy ideas.
           They hanged handmade bird houses in the school.

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