Page 26 - 4th edition Nayi Udaan
P. 26
e v e n
“An expanding universe does not though the
preclude a creator, but it does physics are
place limits on when He might time sym-
have carried out his job.”
S even t h
lec tur e
how we are
trying to
find a
theory that
will include
quantum mechanics, gravity, and all the other
Second lecture describes the theory of interactions of physics. He believed that if we
Newton and Einstein that the universe is achieve this, we shall really understand the universe
either expanding or contracting but not to be and our position in it.
static. There is no mathematical part in this
lecture but the ideas in the theory discuss that
exceptionally good. An explanation of Big According to the author the laws of physics do
Bang in layman’s language is one of the books not distinguish between the past and the
most interesting parts. future. In other words, life would be just the
same for the inhabitants of another planet who were
Third lecture talks about Black hole how our minor images and who were made of
they are formed. Also, there are some informa- antimatter. Hawking discussed many interesting
tion about singularities that might be useful questions in the book, which everyone likes to
for many students. talk about, but he has not included the
mathematical part much.
The fourth and the fifth Lecture talk about
the quantum mechanics of the energy that Without this equation nobody can under-
leaks out from the black hole. From these stand what is going on. He tries to keep the
two lectures, fourth lecture is completely language as simple as possible so that every-
dedicated to the black hole study. This chap- body can enjoy the book.This book can be a
ter is highly informative and boon for theoretical physics lovers.
represent the brilliancy of the Hawkin’s work.
The author did not present anything
Fifth lecture talks about the origin and the which cannot be understood. He kept the
fate of the universe through quantum language simple and easily understandable.
mechanics and the second law of ther- The author has mixed science in philoso-
modynamics. This leads to the idea that phy which gave it a subtle sense of humor
space-time may be finite in extent but in the book.
without boundary or edge. It would be
like the surface of the Earth but He tries to make sands to his reader
with two more dimensions. Anju Gangwar by using very journal exam-
TGT N.Sc ples so that everyone can taste what
Sixth lecture explains why the GBSSS, Chirag Delhi he is trying to explain.
past is so different from the future,