Page 28 - 4th edition Nayi Udaan
P. 28

Muography  involves placing  a muon tracker          ical  structures,  security  concerns  and geosci-
           downstream of the body under investigation.          ence.Today, muons are being used by volcanol-
           This device tracks the trajectories of muons to      ogists to study the internal structure of volca-
           obtain an angular map of their flux (or flow of      noes and predict explosive eruptions by track-
           energy  through  the  surface)  and this  is then    ing magma movements. If one knows where a
           compared to the muon flux impinging on the           volcano’s weaknesses lie, they can use them to
           Earth’s surface.  This gives  rise  to  a map of     their advantage as part of a planning and early-
           muon transmission through  the  body  and            warning system,  helping  to  save  hundreds  of
           hence a muographic image of the body’s inter-        lives. Another application lies in using muogra-
           nal structures is obtained.                          phy to search for smuggled nuclear

           Perhaps the most well-known example  of an           Main applications of muon technology in vari-
           application  of  this  technique  comes  with  the   ous countries  material and nuclear waste.
           ground-breaking discovery of a hidden cham-          Following the terrorist attacks in 2001, the U.S.
           ber within the Great Pyramid of Giza in 2017.        government explored the usage of muography
           Researchers  placed  muon detectors  inside  as      for exactly  this  purpose,  and they  succeeded.
           well  as outside  the  pyramid, and what they        The same method  was applied  to search for
           found  through  analysis  of  muon trajectories      hazardous nuclear fuel in the Fukushima reac-
           and deflections was the presence of an undis-        tor after the 2011 tsunami in Japan.
           covered  void hiding  in its  interior. A more
           extensive survey of the Great Pyramid, placing        In fact, the search for special nuclear materials
           much larger detectors  outside  it, is being         inside  cargo  containers  was  one  of  the  first
           planned by another team of researchers.              applications of muon radiography, and it con-
                                                                tinues to be put to use by various companies for
                                                                its highly potent exploration capabilities.

                                                                The  technique  is developed  and advanced
                                                                enough to go beyond the limit of archaeology
                                                                and geoscience. Apart from its present applica-
                                                                tions,  it can be used  in civil engineering  to
                                                                monitor bridges, in tunnels and cavities, and in
                                                                nuclear safeguards.

                                                                Scientists  envisage  applica-
                                                                tions in medicine too - muon
                                                                scattering can offer continu-
                                                                ous imaging of human chest
           Structure of a muon detector
                                                                cavities and maybe even
           But technological  developments  have opened         tumours.
           the path to muography’s application in many                                             Riya Jain
                                                                                                     XII A
           more fields of                                       There are many things yet        Modern School,
           interest, such as archaeology, studies of geolog-    to explore which students       Barakhamba Road

           1-K. Morishima et al. Discovery of a big void in Khufu’s Pyramid by observation of cosmic-ray muons. Nature. Vol. 552, November 2, 2017, p.
           386. doi: 10.1038/nature24647.
           2-L. Cimmino et al., 3D muography for the search of hidden cavities. Sci. Rep. 9, 2974 (2019).
           3-S. Procureur, Muon imaging: Principles, technologies and applications. Nucl. Instrum. Methods Phys. Res. 878, 169–179 (2018).
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