Page 29 - 4th edition Nayi Udaan
P. 29

Featured Article

                                                 What is Metaverse?

                                                 The word “metaverse” is a combination of “meta”
                                                 (meaning beyond) and “universe”. Metaverse is a
                                                 digital avatar-based universe.  It is regarded as a
                                                 network of 3-D virtual world(s) where people can
                                                 interact, do business, and forge social connections
                                                 through their virtual “avatars”. It can be thought
                                                 of as a virtual reality version of today’s internet.

       Technology behind it                                 opers and are working on next-generation

       While still  nascent in many respects,  the          Many current workplace metaverse solutions
       metaverse has suddenly become big business,          require no more than a computer, mouse, and
       with technology titans and gaming giants such        keyboard keys, but for the full 3-D surround
       as Meta  (previously  Facebook), Microsoft,          experience you usually have to don a VR-
       Epic  Games, Roblox, and others  all creating        enabled  headset.  However, rapid progress is
       their own virtual  worlds or  metaverses. The                also taking place in computer-generat-
       metaverse draws on a vast ensemble of                             ed holography that dispenses with
       different  technologies,  including                                  the need for headsets, either by
       virtual reality platforms, gaming,                                     using virtual viewing
       machine learning, blockchain,                                           windows that create
       3-D graphics, digital currencies,                                        holographic displays from
       sensors, and  (in some  cases)                                           computer  images, or by
       VR-enabled headsets.                                                     deploying          specially

                                                                                designed holographic pods
            In 2019, the social network                                         to project  people  and
       company Facebook  launched  a                                           images into actual space at
       social  VR  (virtual reality)  world                                  events or meetings).
       called ‘Facebook Horizon’. In 2021,
       Facebook was renamed "Meta                                          Companies such as Meta are also
       Platforms" and its chairman Mark Zuckerberg             pioneering  haptic  (touch)  gloves  that
       declared a company commitment to developing          enable users to interact with 3-D virtual
       a metaverse. Microsoft  and Sony are among           objects  and  experience  sensations  such  as
       other firms preparing for huge growth in the         movement, texture, and pressure.
       metaverse. Both recently bought games devel-
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