Page 30 - 4th edition Nayi Udaan
P. 30

            Activities that currently take place in silo envi-   1. New immersive forms of team collab-
            ronments will eventually take place in a single      oration.
            Metaverse, such as:                                  The metaverse promises to bring new levels of
            - Purchasing outfits and accessories for online      social connection, mobility, and collaboration
            avatars                                              to a world of virtual work. ‘NextMeet’, based in
            - Buying digital land and constructing virtual       India,  is an avatar-based immersive reality
            homes                                                platform focused  on interactive working,
            - Participating in a virtual social experience       collaboration, and learning solutions. Its mis-
            - Shopping in virtual malls via immersive com-       sion is to remove the isolation and workforce
            merce                                                                                 disconnected-
            -  Using  virtual                                                                     ness that can
            classrooms to                                                                         result     from
            e xp e rie nce                                                                        remote      and
            immer siv e                                                                           hy brid
            learning                                                                              w ork.With
            - Buying digital                                                                      NextMeet’ s
            art, collectibles                                                                     i m m er si v e
            and       assets                                                                      platfor m,
            (NFTs)                                                                                employee  digi-
            -    Interacting                                                                      tal avatars  can
            with      digital                                                                     pop in and out
            humans        for                                                                     of virtual offic-
            on-boarding                                                                           es and meeting
            employe es,                                                                           rooms  in real
            customer                                                                              time, walk up
            service,    sales                                                                     to a virtual help
            and other busi-                                                                       desk, give a live
            ness    interac-                                                                      presentation
            tions                                                                                 from the  dais,
                                                                                                  relax       with
                 Marketing and communications profession-        colleagues in a networking lounge, or roam a
            als need  to pay  attention  to the  metaverse       conference  center  or exhibition  using  a
            because it’s the next frontier for online interac-   customizable  avatar.  Participants access  the
            tion. Just like social media revolutionized the      virtual environment via their desktop comput-
            online  marketing landscape,  so  too  will  the     er or mobile device, pick or design their avatar,
            metaverse.                                           and then use keyboard buttons to navigate the
                Companies will need to transition their mar-     space: arrow keys to move around, double click
            keting strategies from online ad buys to exist-      to sit on a chair, and so forth.
            ing in a shared, virtual economy. How people
            act and what  their preferences  are in              If you’re on-boarding 10 new  colleagues  and
            metaverse could be totally different than how        give them  a PDF document  to introduce  the
            they behave and what they shop for in real life.     company, they will lose concentration after 10
            Add to that the layer of business from robot to      minutes.
            consumer, where virtual assistants and robots          What can be done instead is have them walk
            own the relationship with the consumer.              along a 3-D hall or gallery, with 20 interactive
            What future has in store for Metaverse?              stands, where they can explore the company.
            The metaverse seems set to reshape the world         You make them want to walk the virtual hall,
            of work in at least four major ways:                 not read a document.

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