Page 22 - september 2023
P. 22

As they delved deeper, they stumbled upon a           untouched, protecting  the  delicate balance of
          central chamber, and at its heart lay an enigmatic    their world.
          crystal, pulsating with energy. Dr. Malik’s eyes
          widened as he examined it. “This crystal seems             After much contemplation,  Captain Aanya
          to be the source of the anomaly,” he exclaimed.       made her decision. “We must honor the wisdom of
          “But its composition is unlike anything  we’ve        those who came before us,” she said. “We won’t
          encountered. It’s as if it harnesses energy from      take the crystal. We’ll learn from their mistakes
          dimensions beyond our own.”                           and use our own knowledge to make a better
              As the team studied the crystal, a holographic
          projection appeared before them. An ancient                   With a grateful nod, Alara’s projection
          being materialized, its form a shimmering mix         dissipated, leaving the team with a newfound
          of light and energy. In a voice that resonated in     sense of purpose. They returned to their space-
          their minds, it introduced itself as Alara, a         craft, leaving the underground chambers
          guardian of the moon’s secrets. Alara revealed        behind. As they left the moon’s surface, a sense
          that eons ago, the moon had been home to an           of wonder and determination filled their hearts.
          advanced  civilization,  its  inhabitants  harnessing
          energy from dimensions that transcended their             Chandrayaan 13 returned to Earth, its crew
          own. They achieved feats that defied imagination.     forever changed by their encounter. They shared
                                                                their story with the world, igniting a renewed passion
              But with great power came great responsibility,   for exploration and a commitment to responsible
          and the civilization’s hubris led to their down-      advancement. The enigma of the moon’s ancient
          fall. The energy they harnessed tore through the      civilization and the crystal’s power remained
          fabric of reality, creating anomalies that threat-    a mystery, but it was a mystery that would
          ened to consume the moon and spread to Earth.         shape humanity’s trajectory for
          In a desperate bid to save both worlds, Alara                        generations to come.
          and the last survivors sealed themselves
          and their knowledge within the crystal,                                    And so, as The Earth continued
          hoping that someday someone would come                                to face challenges, the legacy of
          to understand and wield its power respon-                             Chandrayaan 13 lived on, a
          sibly.                                                                beacon of hope and a reminder
                                                           Sonu Kumar Jha       that even in the face of the
              The crew of Chandrayaan 13 listened in       TGT Natural Science  unknown, humanity could choose
          awe and humility. Alara offered them a            G.S.B.V. No.02,B2,   the path of enlightenment and
          choice: to take the crystal back to Earth and       Yamuna Vihar      empathy.
          harness its potential,  or to leave it

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