Page 24 - september 2023
P. 24

Journey of A Scientist
                Pioneering the Path of

                         Space Exploration

                                     Ritu Karidhal Srivastava

                                  I     n the vast and wondrous expanse of      In her formative years, her insatiable

                                        the cosmos, there exist individuals
                                                                                curiosity for the mysteries of
                                        whose remarkable journeys serve to
                                                                                mathematics were the early sparks
                                        inspire us to reach for the stars-both   science and the intricacies of
                                        in the literal sense and metaphorically.   of inquisitiveness that  would later
                                        One such person is Ritu Karidhal        guide her journey. Nurtured by parents
                                        Shrivastava, a name that has become     who recognized and supported her
                                        synonymous  with groundbreaking         innate talents, she embarked on her
                                        achievements  in the field of space     educational voyage with a bachelor’s
                                        exploration.                            degree    in   Physics    from    the
                                                                                renowned      Lucknow      University
                                                     From her humble beginnings to   which was followed by a Master's
                                         her pivotal role in the Mars Orbiter   degree in Aerospace Engineering
                                            Mission, Ritu’s trajectory stands as   from the  prestigious Indian Institute of
                                             a living testament to  the         Technology (IIT), Kharagpur.
                                               heights that can be  attained
                                                through unwavering determi-         The year 1997, marked as a pivotal
                                                 nation, unbridled  passion,    juncture, as it was during this period
                                                  and unyielding dedication.    that   Ritu    Karidhal   Shrivastava
                                                                                embarked on a voyage of immense
                                                                                significance. Her journey began in
                                                        The odyssey of Ritu     the esteemed Indian Space Research
                                                      Karidhal Shrivastava’s    Organisation (ISRO), which marked
                                                       life  embarked upon      the initiation of her indelible
                                                         its celestial path in   contributions  to India’s ambitious
                                                           the city of          space odyssey. From the outset, her
                                                             Lucknow,           brilliance and unwavering commitment
                                                              nestled in the    set her apart, thrusting her into the
                                                                heart      of   intricate realm of space science.
                                                                                At ISRO her invaluable contributions in
                                                                                diverse projects, provided her with a
                                                                                platform to ascend in her career of
                                                                                being  a space scientist. Guided by
                                                                                an indefatigable work ethic and an
                                                                                innovative mindset, she emerged as
                                                                                a formidable driving force within
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