Page 25 - september 2023
P. 25

Mangalyaan: India’s Mars Orbiter Mission              23rd August 2023.

          Perhaps her most significant contribution came            Dr. Ritu Karidhal Shrivastava’s narrativet
          into focus with her instrumental role in the Mars     ranscends  her technical accomplishments.  Her
          Orbiter Mission (MOM), affectionately referred        journey, interwoven with that of her fellow
          to as Mangalyaan. Launched with great anticipation    scientist Minal Rohit, led them to be affectionately
          in 2013, MOM was  a  mission of  monumental           known as the “Rocket Women.”
          significance, which aimed at unraveling the cryptic
          mysteries veiling the Red Planet, Mars.                   This title served to honor not only their scientific
          MOM proved to be a testament of her resolve           achievements but also to recognize their roles as
          and leadership as the  mission posed a lot of         beacons of inspiration for aspiring women.
          challenges as she became the Deputy Operations        Shrivastava’s ascent to prominence defied
          Director for MOM, From the intricate calculations     traditional gender norms, proving that
          that governed the spacecraft’s trajectory to the      excellence knows no gender. Her story is a
          meticulous planning required for maintaining          source of hope for countless young girls who
          communication across the vast expanse, every          have aspirations of venturing into fields historically
          facet of the mission bore the imprint of her          dominated  by men.  Her legacy serves  as  a
          expertise.                                            reminder that the fusion of passion and
                                                                perseverance can surmount any obstacle.
              The challenges were colossal, but Dr. Shrivastava’s
          team, inspired and guided by her leadership,               Dr. Shrivastava’s contributions did not go
          confronted them with unparalleled determination.      unnoticed. Her instrumental role in the Mars
          The triumph of Mangalyaan stands as a water-          Orbiter Mission  earned her accolades  both on
          shed moment in India’s  scientific endeavors,         the national and international stages. She was
          placing the nation in the exclusive club of space     bestowed with the ISRO Team Excellence
          agencies that have successfully reached Mars. It      Award  and  the Lal  Bahadur  Shastri  National
          was an achievement that  not only showcased           Award. She has won many awards including
          India’s  technological prowess  but also high-        ‘ISRO Young Scientist Award,’  ‘ISRO Team
          lighted Shrivastava’s genius in steering the          Award for MOM (2015),’ ‘ASI Team Award,’
          mission to a success.                                 and ‘Women Achievers in Aerospace (2017)’ by
                                                                the Society of Indian Aerospace Technologies &
              Subsequently, she took over as the Mission        Industries (SIATI).
          Director    of   Chandrayaan-2,       successfully        She is an integral force within ISRO, lending her
          launched on July  22, 2019. Her most recent           expertise to a myriad of missions and projects. Her
          achievement, leading Chandrayaan-3, marks             steadfast commitment to advancing the
          another milestone in  her illustrious career.         frontiers of space exploration
          Launched on July                 14, 2023, it has     stands  as a testament to
          s uc c ess fully                      landed near     her enduring passion.
          South pole of                                         Today  she serves  as a
          the moon on                                           hope and an inspiration
                                                                to the young boys and
                                                                girls who aaspire to            Khushi Pathak
                                                                venture in  the field  of        Student, Rpvv
                                                                  space exploration.               Sector -19

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